
In the first year of art academy we were asked as AV students to create a booktrailer for a young adult history novel in spite of the Thea Beckman Bookaward. I made a trailer for the story 'Bloedzusters' van Annejoke Smids, and what better way to visualize a childbook than with images of former times? Working on this booktrailer opened doors: i left me wanting to make more. After creating the trailer for Bloedzusters I made two more trailers for Amsterdam Publishing company 'Eenvoudig Communiceren': a.o. 'Lieveling' (Kim van Kooten) and 'De verzamelde werken van boekhandelaar A.J. Fikry' (Gabrielle Zevin). These trailers were made with paper and brought to life with stop-motion animation.

The booktrailer I made for my own picturebook ‘Het verhaal van Donker’:

More soon…

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